North America
South America

World Attractions

    Wave Hill, North America

  675 West 252 Street - Bronx, NY             
In 1960, the Perkins-Freeman family deeded Wave Hill to the City of New York; Wave Hill, Inc., was formed in 1965 as a non-profit corporation. Today, as one of 33 City-owned cultural institutions, Wave Hill provides an oasis of serenity and offers programs in Horticulture, Environmental Education, Woodland Management and the Visual and Performing Arts. Through the arts and sciences, Wave Hill seeks to foster connections between people and nature.
    Forte da Boa Viagem, South America
   - Boa Viagem - Niterói, RJ           
A Ilha da Boa Viagem, na ponta da Praia do mesmo nome, revela e oculta dois monumentos arquitetônicos do período colonial. Fincada em seu topo, solitária e poeticamente contemplando a baía de Guanabara, a Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem se oferece aos olhos dos que a contemplam. Ocultas sob a vegetação, abaixo da Igreja, escondem-se as ruínas de uma fortificação que, no final do século XVII início do século XVIII, foi erguida com o nome de Forte da Barra, logo depois chamado Forte da Boa Viagem.
    Adventureland Amusement Park, North America
  2245 Route 110 - Farmingdale, NY             
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Adventureland is Long Island's home of Family Fun since 1962 - this Family Fun Palace is where Little Kids' Fantasies become reality and Big Kids relive their Little Kid Dreams.

All of these Fantasies and Dreams will come to life while experiencing any of Adventureland's 30 rides and attractions. So come, explore and see why Adventureland is considered Long Island's Leader in Family Fun!
    Funtown Amusement Pier, North America
  1930 Boardwalk - Seaside Park, NJ            
The amusment pier has an incredible ocean view backdrop with beautiful beaches for the whole family to enjoy. They have SUPER SPECTACULAR adult rides, family rides galore and "Don't Worry" they have plenty of great rides for the small kiddies too. When you visit the pier don't forget to join in the fun with Funtown's famous Go-Carts. Feel the thrill of racing on the Ocean's Edge. For all you real thrill seekers take an explosive ride on the Tower of Fear. This 225ft giant ride will power you to new heights of thrills! Roller Coaster fans. come ride looping coaster while watching the ocean waves break right under you. Come walk beautiful boardwalk and try your luck at any of our piers amusment games and enjoy all the incredible food available.
    Outeiro da Glória, South America
  Praça Nossa Senhora da Glória, 135/204 - Glória - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Considerada uma joia da arquitetura setecentista, a Igreja Imperial Irmandade da Nossa Senhora da Glória do Outeiro é um dos maiores patrimônios da arquitetura colonial religiosa brasileira. Construída no centro do adro, é formada por dois octógonos irregulares, alongados e interligados, antecedidos pela base quadrada da torre sineira, cujo pé lhe serve de pórtico. Os trabalhos ornamentais em talha estão no altar-mor, altares da nave, tribunas e coro, e representam a transição entre o final do estilo rococó e o neoclássico. Sua autoria é atribuída ao Mestre Valentim de Almeida, expoente da azulejaria joanina , e formam um dos conjuntos mais importantes do Brasil. A devoção a Nossa Senhora da Glória surgiu no início do século XVII, alguns anos após a fundação da cidade, quando no ano de 1608, um certo Ayres colocou uma pequena imagem da Virgem numa gruta natural existente no morro.
    Liberty Bell, North America
   - Philadelphia, PA            
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The Liberty Bell, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an American bell of great historic significance. The Liberty Bell is perhaps one of the most prominent symbols associated with early American history and the battle for American independence and freedom. Its most famous ringing, on July 8, 1776, summoned citizens for the reading of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress. Previously, it had been rung to announce the opening of the First Continental Congress in 1774 and after the Battle of Lexington and Concord in 1775. Source
    Centro de Artes Calouste Gulbenkian, South America
  Rua Benedito Hipólito, 125 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Centro de Artes Calouste Gulbenkian foi criado em 11 de março de 1971 e recebeu este nome em homenagem à instituição cultural portuguesa sediada em Lisboa, a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. A origem do Centro Calouste Gulbenkian, que está instalado na Praça Onze, está ligada à necessidade de formar professores de artesanato para atender às escolas públicas do Estado do Rio. Os cursos de Artes oferecidos no Centro de Artes Calouste Gulbenkian traduzem uma proposta artístico-educacional diversificada e plural, dentro de uma prática atualizada e dinâmica, onde múltiplas linguagens artísticas se integram - do artesanato à pesquisa com novos matérias. Esses cursos são direcionados a quem busca a iniciação ou o aperfeiçoamento através da arte, tanto como linguagem expressiva como para a criação de objetos utilitários. Através de aulas práticas em salas-oficinas, adequadas a cada uma das modalidades artísticas, os professores procuram dar atendimento individualizado, buscando atender os diferentes objetivos de cada aluno.
    Staten Island Ferry, North America
  Bay Street - Staten Island, NY            
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Operating since 1905, the Staten Island Ferry is one of the oldest continuously operating ferry systems in the United States. The ferries operating on this route are equipped with services such as refreshment points, rest areas and toilets. The journey from one terminal to the other takes about 25 minutes. The ferry is also an alternative to the car as it offers a convenient and reliable way to travel between the two parts of the city without traffic jams. Additionally, the ferry is an important part of New York City's transportation infrastructure and helps reduce congestion on the area's freeways.
The Staten Island Ferry is a unique and distinctive feature of New York City that continues to play an important role in the city's transportation network.
    Praia de São Francisco, South America
   - Niterói, RJ            
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Suas águas são calmas, com areia clara e fina. Localiza-se numa área residencial e conta com calçadão em toda a orla, que é muito usado para passeios, jogging e ciclismo, ideal também, para a prática de esportes a vela.
    Legoland Florida, North America
  One Legoland Way - Winter Haven, FL             
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    GardenSK8 Indoor Skatepark, North America
  321 Changebridge Road - Pine Brook, NJ             
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The team proud to announce the opening of the New York metropolitan area’s most creative indoor skatepark facility. Hands down the most technical street course and gigantic bowl also know as “The Pirate Bowl”.
    Praia do Sossego, South America
   - Niteroi, RJ            
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Localizada entre Piratininga e Camboinhas é de pequena extensão e bastante freqüentada pelos que vem pelo mar em lanchas e iates, pois seu difícil acesso, através de uma trilha, não é muito conhecido. É um dos mais belos recantos da cidade
    Adirondack Extreme Adventure, North America
  25 Westwood forest Lane - Bolton Landing, NY           
Tree-top adventure for the entire family, 5 courses, 79 obstacles, zip lines, rope bridges, swings, slides, nets & ladders. Winter, spring, fall by reservation.
    Jardim Botânico, South America
  R. Jardim Botânico, 1008 - Jardim Botânico - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro é um dos mais importantes centros de pesquisa mundiais nas áreas de botânica e conservação da biodiversidade e é integrante da Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica (RBMA) e um de seus Postos Avançados. Considerado um santuário ecológico, o Jardim Botânico é um dos dez mais importantes do gênero no mundo. Além de abrigar as mais raras espécies de plantas da flora brasileira e de outros países, é uma ótima opção de lazer para crianças e adultos e um deleite para aqueles que querem contemplar a natureza.
    Academia Brasileira de Cinema, South America
  Rua João Afonso, 60-A - Humaitá - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
A Academia Brasileira de Cinema foi fundada em 20 de maio de 2002, e tem como objetivo promover, preservar e divulgar o cinema brasileiro, além de ser um espaço de convivência e troca de experiências entre profissionais da área.
A criação de um prêmio para celebrar a produção anual de filmes marcou o início de um projeto que aproximou mais de 300 sócios, entre realizadores, distribuidores, produtores, exibidores, técnicos, atores e outros profissionais do cinema e audiovisual.
    Olentangy Indian Caverns, North America
  1779 Home Rd. - Delaware, Oh           
Olentangy Indian Caverns believes in having a fun time, so the activities are endless! Choose from a variety of fun activities to participate in individually or with the entire family!
    Seven Peaks, North America
  1330 East, 300 North - Provo, UT           
Wave Pool - An ocean experience far from the sea. Our waves come at you in various patterns that range from one to four feet in height. Enjoy the waves on a tube or body surf from the shore. And much more...
    Southwick's Zoo, North America
  2 Southwick Street - Mendon, MA           
The Brewer family and its staff are dedicated to the preservation and conservation of all animals. The Southwick team’s mission: to provide an extensive zoological collection and educational facility for our visitors. We strive to promote an exciting environment for a positive family experience.
Southwick’s is a privately owned zoo. Therefore, the zoo does not receive state, local, or federal funding of any kind. All admission proceeds go directly towards caring for the animals and upkeep of the zoo. This includes animal housing, appropriate diets, veterinary care, new exhibit design, and all maintenance of zoo facilities.
    Adventureland, North America
  I-80 & Hwy. 65 - Des Moines, IA           
Adventureland Amusement Park contains over 100 rides, shows, and attractions including some of the country's most exciting roller coasters and thrill rides that can challenge the most avid amusement park enthusiasts. There are also plenty of rides for less adventurous guests including great water rides as well as a full compliment of children's rides spread throughout the park. But the entertainment doesn't stop with rides - Adventureland presents a full array of shows in the park - from live music to magic to song and dance - there's always something to suit everyone's taste. Simply the most fun you will have all year!
    Wildlife Safari, North America
  P.O. Box 1600 - Winston, OR            
Wildlife Safari is a fun-filled family destination where you can view over 500 animals in their natural habitat, roaming freely as they do in the wild! Visitors to the park drive through a 4.5 mile trek to see animals from Africa, Asia and the America’s. This unique setting offers many opportunities to get up close and personal with animals large and small.
Safari Village is home to unique animals, a petting zoo, beautiful gardens, the Casbah Gift Shop, Smokin' Hippo BBQ and White Rhino Event Center.
Wildlife Safari is a world-renowned medical and research facility. We are nationally recognized for our educational facility in veterinary and biological sciences and welcoming interns from all over the world.
A favorite hang-out for Douglas County residents and great place to stop for the day as families travel along the I-5 corridor through southern Oregon.
    Prospect Park, North America
  Prospect Park Alliance - 95 Prospect Park West - Brooklyn, NY             
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Prospect Park is a public park located in Brooklyn, New York. The park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, who also designed Central Park in Manhattan. Prospect Park covers 526 acres and offers a wide range of recreational opportunities for visitors. The park features several notable attractions, including the Long Meadow, a 90-acre meadow that is popular for picnics and sunbathing; the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, a 52-acre garden that features a variety of plants, flowers, and trees; and the Prospect Park Zoo, which is home to over 300 species of animals. The park also has several lakes and ponds, including the Lullwater, which is popular for boating and fishing. Prospect Park also offers a variety of recreational activities for visitors, including bike and boat rentals, horse-drawn carriage rides, and ice skating in the winter. The park is also home to several playgrounds, sports fields, and courts for basketball, soccer, and handball. The park is also home to several cultural institutions such as the Lefferts Historic House, the Prospect Park Carousel and the Brooklyn Museum, which is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the country. The park also hosts various events throughout the year, including concerts, festivals, and outdoor movie screenings.
Prospect Park is easily accessible by public transportation, with several subway and bus lines stopping at the Prospect Park station, which is located at the park's main entrance. The park also has several parking lots for those who choose to drive.
Prospect Park is a great place to spend a day with family and friends, with something for everyone to enjoy, and is considered as one of Brooklyn's most popular and important public spaces.
    NBA Store, North America
  590 Fifth Avenue - New York, NY              
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Start 2025 in style with hot new end-of-year releases at the NBA Store.
GET IN THE GAME!!! The NBA Store in Manhattan is your one stop shop for everything related to the NBA and provides fans with one of the most fulfilling shopping and entertainment experiences available in New York City. Whether you are a Knick fan, a Laker fan or any fan, the NBA store has your team’s gear at great prices. The sprawling 35,000 square foot store doesn’t just do team licensed gear but also has all of the basketball shoes you need to lace up and head to the court. Of course, if you are in the Manhattan store you don’t have to go far as part of the experience involves trying out your gear on the indoor half-court officially endorsed by the NBA. The fun doesn’t stop there - the store also has a consistent array of multimedia presentations that take you away from a basic shopping experience and instead puts you in front of 50,000 screaming fans on the court of your dreams. For a shopping experience like no other and a chance to look exactly like your favorite basketball heroes, look no further than the NBA Store in Manhattan!
    Bahama Beach Waterpark, North America
  1895 Campfire Circle - Dallas, TX            
From Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day, Bahama Beach offers the best family waterpark value in the metroplex. Conveniently located only ten minutes south of downtown Dallas, you can get away from it all without ever leaving town. We have everything from 45 foot tall slides for the big kids and adults who are young at heart, to an interactive water playground with a 1000 gallon dumping bucket for the little ones. And for those who want to kick back and relax, grab a tube, wade into one of two zero depth entry beaches, and take a float down the lazy river. Plenty of shade, reservable private cabanas, and a concession stand to satisfy all of your summertime cravings tops it all off. So bring the whole family and make a day of it at Bahama Beach Waterpark!
    Hayden Planetarium, North America
  Central Park West at 79th Street - New York, NY             
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Hayden Planetarium captivates upon your initial approach. The visually stimulating Manhattan attraction, constructed from glass and steel, features a large spherical dome where the universe comes to life in front of your very eyes. The department of Astrophysics, located in the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History, conducts research focusing on the formation and evolution of stars, star clusters, the effects of their radiation, and much more. The planetarium offers ongoing monthly lectures. Children and adults alike will love the vast amount of knowledge and beauty while exploring the stars in this awesome environment. 3-D models and vivid colors are not in short abundance here. School field trips are welcome; planning in advance is required. A wealth of educational knowledge is available through the website for teachers, parents and children. With a special section of interactive activities for children, you can’t go wrong learning about all that this Manhattan planetarium has to offer. A virtual joy ride through the universe with stops along the way to learn about the wonders of the Galaxies, a few hours can easily be spent just walking around the floors. In addition to the star/sky show, the exhibits are a joy to behold. From real meteorites, to scales that bring home the effect of gravity on other planets, to historic photos, all will enjoy.
    Centro Esportivo Miécimo da Silva, South America
  Rua Olinda Elis, 470 - Campo Grande - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Referência no município e um dos mais importantes do estado do Rio de Janeiro, tendo sediado diversas competições nacionais e internacionais, como a Copa do Mundo de Judô para Deficientes Visuais, em 2001; o Grand Prix de Atletismo, a Copa do Mundo de Natação e a Copa do Mundo de Ginástica, todos em 2004; e os Jogos Mundiais em cadeira de Rodas & Amputados, em setembro de 2005.
Ocupando uma área de 64 mil metros quadrados, o complexo tem capacidade para abrigar 3.835 espectadores no ginásio e 1.953 no estádio.
Entre outros destaques, possui um Ginásio Esportivo que leva o nome do grande jogador de basquetebol, Algodão, nascido em Campo Grande, e um dos maiores jogadores do esporte de todos os tempos no país, campeão mundial ao lado de outros grandes craques como Rosa Branca, Jatir e Wlamir Marques.
    Rancho Santa Ana Garden, North America
  500 N. College Ave. - Claremont, CA            
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California's native garden, offering panoramic views, beautiful native plant displays, and special exhibits that can be seen here and here alone. Come to the springtime Big Bugs exhibit or the Butterfly Pavilion! Come and see the Majestic Oak, which is more than 300 years old!e Rancho Santa Ana botanic Garden is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to California native plants. What a perfect place to explore with the entire family! Or, a romantic Valentine's Day, in which a lucky date is surrounded by flowers!
    Parque das Águas, South America
  Linha Amadeo, s/n° - Farroupilha, RS             
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Lazer para você e sua familia.
    Parque Estadual da Serra da Tiririca, South America
   - Niterói, RJ             
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Divisor de águas da bacia do sistema lagunar de Piratininga e Itaipu, é o limite natural entre os municípios de Niterói, São Gonçalo e Maricá, apresentando uma cobertura florestal de Mata Atlântica em boas condições.
    SONY Wonder Technology Lab, North America
  550 Madison Avenue (Permanently closed) - New York, NY            
Saturday, December 29. 12:15 p.m. and 3 p.m. Every day fearless courier Wilee (Joseph Gordon Levitt) dodges death while weaving through traffic on his custom featherweight bicycle with one gear and no brakes. He always delivers his packages on time, but today's rush delivery could be his last. With a mysterious envelope clutched close and a crooked cop (Michael Shannon) chasing him through the streets of Manhattan, Wilee must pedal for his life. [PG-13] Directed by David Koepp. Running time: 91 mins
Explore exciting NEW exhibits in a dynamic, state-of the art facility that brings technology and creativity together to make learning experiential, entertaining and fun.
Located in mid-town Manhattan, SWTL inspires creativity in a high-quality, engaging, and family friendly learning environment.
    Statue Of Liberty, North America
  Liberty Island - New York, NY             
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The Statue of Liberty was gifted to the United States from the people of France in 1886 to celebrate the centennial of American independence and to symbolize the friendship between the two countries. The statue stands at 151 feet tall, with the statue itself measuring 151 feet from the base to the tip of the torch and the pedestal adding an additional 154 feet.
The statue is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the United States. Visitors can take a ferry to Liberty Island and then climb the 354 steps to the crown of the statue for a panoramic view of New York Harbor and the surrounding area. Visitors can also take a tour of the statue's pedestal and museum. The statue has become an enduring symbol of freedom and democracy, and is a symbol of hope and inspiration for people around the world. The statue was closed for renovation for several years and reopened in 2013 with a new museum and new exhibits about the statue's history and meaning.
The statue of Liberty is one of the most iconic landmarks of the United States, and it is a symbol of freedom and democracy that has welcomed immigrants to America for over a century. It is a must-see attraction for anyone visiting New York City.