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<iframe id='palyer1' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CEXk0SmP4co" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer1'> The Wyoming Dinosaur Center has 12,000 square feet of exhibition area. Fossils and life forms from earliest geologic time periods are displayed in a chronological perspective. There are over 200 displays throughout the museum. The central hall houses dozens of full-size mounted skeletons, including over 20 dinosaurs.
<object width="300" height="200"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/ybNidIsBvvk"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/ybNidIsBvvk" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="300" height="200"></embed></object> Fundado em 1932, o Jockey Club Brasileiro teve como primeiro presidente Linneo de Paula Machado, que foi o responsável pela construção do Hipódromo da Gávea, a maior obra da cidade na época. Lá é realizado anualmente o Grande Prêmio Brasil, a prova de maior expressão do turfe nacional, também famosa pela elegância dos trajes dos visitantes da festa. O Jockey Club também possui uma sede social no Centro do Rio de Janeiro, localizada num prédio de 12 andares, projeto assinado pelo arquiteto Lúcio Costa. As dependências são amplas e espaçosas, contando com 363 salas para escritórios, sete lojas, um auditório servido por elevadores especiais, 13 andares de estacionamento para 800 carros. No 11º e 12º andares, os jardins são de Burle Marx e os interiores do arquiteto Jorge Hue. Atividades: piscina, hidroginástica, saunas, massagiata, estética, quadra poliesportiva, ginástica.
<iframe id='palyer3' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=TourCNTower'></iframe id='palyer3'> Defining the Toronto skyline, the CN Tower is Canada's most recognizable and celebrated icon. At a height of 553.33m (1,815 ft., 5 inches), it is Canada’s National Tower, the World's Tallest Building, an important telecommunications hub, and the centre of tourism in Toronto.
Each year, approximately 2 million people visit the CN Tower to take in the breath-taking view and enjoy all the attractions it has to offer. The CN Tower was built in 1976 by Canadian National (CN) who wanted to demonstrate the strength of Canadian industry by building a tower taller than any other in the world. In 1995, the CN Tower became a public company and ownership of the Tower was transferred to Canada Lands (CLC) Company, a federal Crown corporation responsible for real estate development. |
<iframe id='palyer4' title="Bargemusic - YouTube video player" width="250" height="190" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QW0-w0z5FUc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer4'> From its inception, Bargemusic has been committed to attracting local audiences and enhancing the cultural life of New York by offering frequent, year-round performances of chamber music in a fittingly intimate setting—the type of setting in which chamber music is meant to be heard. To make that unique musical experience available to as many people as possible, Bargemusic presents 220 chamber music concerts annually—four days a week, 52 weeks a year—and offers free tickets to a variety of groups every week, plus a monthly free concert open to the community.
<iframe id='palyer5' width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/nuqXXZkvJBA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer5'> Começou a realizar filmagens (seu filme Pátio, de 1959, é o primeiro curta-metragem da Bahia) , ao mesmo tempo em que ingressou na Faculdade de Direito da Bahia (hoje um dos cursos da Universidade Federal da Bahia), entre 1959 a 1961), que logo abandonou para iniciar uma breve carreira jornalística, em que o foco era sempre sua paixão pelo cinema. Da faculdade foi o seu namoro e casamento com uma colega, Helena Ignez.
Sempre controvertido, escreveu e pensou cinema. Queria uma arte engajada ao pensamento e pregava uma nova estética, uma revisão crítica da realidade. Era visto pela ditadura militar que se instalou no país, em 1964, como um elemento subversivo. Em 1971, com a radicalização do regime, Glauber partiu para o exílio, de onde nunca retornou totalmente. Fonte |
"Ao longo de seus quase sessenta anos de existência, a atuação do CBPF tem sido baseada nos valores éticos que constituem os pilares da atividade científica, tornando-a um dos mais importantes instrumentos para o desenvolvimento da Humanidade, e também naqueles que formam a estrutura da Sociedade Brasileira.
O CBPF consolidado e reconhecido nacional e internacionalmente como instituição de excelência em diversas áreas da Física Aplicada, Experimental e Teórica, e como centro promotor e articulador de novas idéias e iniciativas da comunidade científica brasileira, atuando efetivamente na sua consecução, disponibilizando suas instalações e implantando laboratórios multiusuários em diversos campi. No CBPF, o ambiente de laboratórios de física experimental e o desenvolvimento de novas teorias em física conta com a atuação de diversos profissionais em várias áreas. Este ambiente tem o potencial de agregar resultados através de desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias que possam alcançar o setor produtivo, tornando-se um elemento relevante nos processos de inovação tecnológica e estimulando o desenvolvimento de produtos com ciência agregada." |
<iframe id='palyer7' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/N6ISwlQNbIc" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer7'> O Teatro Municipal João Caetano foi reinaugurado em 1995, após uma profunda restauração. O projeto de recuperação encarou um grande desafio que era respeitar os aspectos históricos e ao mesmo tempo dotá-lo de modernidade. Ao longo de sua história, o teatro sofreu sucessivas obras de reformas que foram alterando a forma original do prédio, adaptando espaços e desfigurando seus seus núcleos históricos, dando origem a um prédio com características de diferentes épocas. No entanto, a fachada manteve as linhas arquitetônicas neoclássicas da reforma de 1888 e 1889.
<iframe id='palyer8' title="Parque Fazenda Betinho Carrero - YouTube video player" width="250" height="190" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/7SgpXAvZris" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer8'> Beto Carrero, nasce um herói
Não existe no Brasil um exemplo melhor para ilustrar a máxima “Não sabendo que era impossível, ele foi lá e fez” do que a história de João Batista Sérgio Murad, o nosso Beto Carrero.
Menino pobre, nascido no interior do estado de São Paulo, o menino João Batista sonhava em ser o Zorro brasileiro e trabalhar em um parque de diversões. Mal sabia ele que seus humildes sonhos se transformariam com os anos, e que ele construiria o maior parque multi-temático do mundo! |
<iframe id='palyer9' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RCEC8Rn8N8U" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer9'> Helio Oiticica (1937-1980) foi um dos mais criativos artistas plásticos brasileiros. A síntese de sua obra são seus belos "Parangolés" (1964): capas, estandartes ou bandeiras coloridas de algodão ou náilon com poemas em tinta sobre o tecido a serem vestidas ou carregadas pelo ator/espectador, que passa a perceber seu corpo transformado em dança. Quase uma poesia, pois a obra de arte só se revela quando alguém a manuseia, a movimenta.
<iframe id='palyer10' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/AGI53bFwQ8g" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer10'> O Forte de Nossa Senhora do Pópulo e São Marcelo, popularmente conhecido como Forte do Mar, localiza-se em Salvador, capital da Bahia, no Brasil.
A primitiva concepção desta fortificação remonta a 1608. Inicialmente de madeira, foi todo reconstruído em alvenaria em 1624 para enfrentar os holandeses. Em 1650, ganhou a definitiva forma circular, que possibilita que sua artilharia dispare em qualquer direção, único das Américas nesse modelo. A sua estrutura é em cantaria de arenito até a linha d'água e o restante em alvenaria de pedra irregular. |
<iframe id='palyer11' title="YouTube video player" width="250" height="190" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/7oDNFuoxAuk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer11'> One of the worlds most visited monuments is that of Christ the Redeemer, the statue that stands atop the Corcovado Mountain. Journey up to the statue via the cog train and marvel at the scenery along the way. From the top, you will enjoy panoramic views of Rio de Janeiro.
<iframe id='palyer12' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=wcsmedia'></iframe id='palyer12'> The Central Park Zoo is a popular destination in New York City, attracting thousands of visitors every year. It was originally opened in the late 1800s and has been through several renovations and upgrades over the years.
The zoo covers an area of 6.5 acres and is home to over 130 species of animals, including penguins, sea lions, monkeys, and red pandas, among others. Some of the highlights of the zoo include the sea lion pool, which offers visitors an up-close view of these fascinating marine mammals, and the Tisch Children's Zoo, which is designed for families with young children and features domesticated animals, interactive exhibits, and a petting area. In addition to showcasing a variety of animals, the Central Park Zoo is also dedicated to educating visitors about wildlife conservation and animal behavior. The zoo offers various educational programs, including animal encounters and behind-the-scenes tours, as well as interactive exhibits and hands-on activities. Overall, the Central Park Zoo is a fun and educational destination for families and visitors of all ages |
<iframe id='palyer13' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uSOhW-DtlsU" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer13'> O Liceu Literário Português fundado em 10 de setembro de 1868, Instituição Filantrópica de Ensino Gratuito, adquiriu um terreno no Largo da Carioca onde em 1929 edificou sua sede - Rua Senador Dantas nº 118 – Centro, um arranha-céu em estilo gótico manuelino, decorado internamente com silhares de azulejos historiados e lindos vitrais, prédio projetado pelo arquiteto Raul Penna Firme.
O Liceu Literário Português – honra e orgulho dos portugueses no Brasil – é um dos melhores estabelecimentos de ensino entre os congêneres neste país. Representa o esforço, a dedicação e o trabalho de abnegados portugueses beneméritos, em prol da instrução do povo. Ali, naquela casa, não há seleção para a matrícula; a quem bate às suas portas não se pergunta que idade tem, qual a cor, onde nasceu, nem se tem fortuna. Uma única coisa se indaga: que quer aprender
Want to cool off after playing hard all day? Valleyfair's Whitewater Country Waterpark is a great way to chill out and have fun! Included in Valleyfair's general admission, the waterpark's 3.5 acres offers hours of wet fun in the sun. The waterpark is open from May 28-August 21, weather permitting. Waterpark hours are different from general park hours.
The USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center is located in Flushing, in the New York City borough of Queens and has been the home of the US Open Grand Slam tennis tournament played every year in August and September. According to the United States Tennis Association, the center is the largest public tennis facility in the world with 22 courts inside the facility and 11 more in the adjoining park. All 33 courts have used the DecoTurf cushioned acrylic surface since the facility was built in 1978. Source: en.wikipedia.org
The Opera Company of Brooklyn, founded in 2000, makes opera accessible and affordable throughout New York City to all generations by offering a diverse selection of opera favorites and overlooked rarities. OCB draws talented singers and musicians from the rich resources of the New York Metro area, and allows them to share their enthusiasm and love for the art form with audiences in an intimate, dynamic setting.
<iframe id='palyer17' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=Buildabearworkshop1'></iframe id='palyer17'> Build-A-Bear Workshop is a popular chain of retail stores that offers customers the opportunity to create their own stuffed animals. The company was founded in 1997 and has since grown to include over 400 stores worldwide. The stores are typically located in shopping malls, but you can also find a store in New York.
At Build-A-Bear Workshop, customers can choose from a variety of stuffed animals, including bears, dogs, cats, and even licensed characters like Disney, Marvel and Harry Potter. Once they have chosen their animal, customers can then stuff it themselves using a special machine, and add a heart-shaped "wish to make it special. After that, they can add a variety of accessories such as clothing, shoes, and even sound chips that play pre-recorded phrases. The stores also offer special events and workshops for children, including "bear-making" birthday parties and school field trips. Build-A-Bear Workshop has become a popular destination for families and children, as well as adults looking for a fun and unique shopping experience. With a store in New York, it's a great place to create a special, one-of-a-kind stuffed animal as a souvenir of your trip to the city. |
It’s more than just nine white letters spelling out a city’s name; it’s one of the world’s most evocative symbols – a universal metaphor for ambition, success, glamour.
A photo journey through Hollywood history and expert tips on photographing the Sign, to live Sign web cams and the latest Sign news. You’ll also learn about the people who work to keep the Sign preserved and protected, and how you can get involved. |
<iframe id='palyer19' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=TheNewYorkFed'></iframe id='palyer19'> To carry out its mission, the New York Fed employs approximately 3,000 people who are organized into groups and offices. With the exception of its internal audit function, the Fed's business areas report to the President and First Vice President of the Bank, who in turn, report to the Bank's Board of Directors.
<iframe id='palyer20' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=hhwaterworld'></iframe id='palyer20'> Water World, one of America's largest family waterparks, is located just 15 minutes north of downtown Denver, Colorado, on 64 beautifully landscaped acres. Water World is celebrating it's 26th year of operation.
We feature the biggest variety of attractions (42) in America, from Wally World for the tots, to Voyage to the Center of the Earth for the entire family. Water World has more family tube rides than any other park in America. Thrill rides are in abundance also, like the Red Line speed slide. Plenty of picnic areas are available, from covered pavilions to beautifully landscaped grass areas. Picnics are welcome at Water World and the parking is free. Please see our Pricing/Guidelines page for what picnic items are allowable to bring in to the park. Water World offers a wide variety of food and beverage choices, and at a very reasonable cost, along with a gift shop ,with everything you need to enjoy your visit! Our operating season is generally from the last weekend in May through Labor Day, with some school days excepted. |
<iframe id='palyer21' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=TopOfTheRockNYC'></iframe id='palyer21'> Rockefeller Center is a complex of 19 commercial buildings covering 22 acres in the heart of Midtown Manhattan, New York City. The development was was conceived on the verge of the Great Depression, and Rockefeller financed the center personally, making it the largest private building project in modern history at the time.
The complex was designed by a team of architects and artists, who created a collection of buildings with a strong Art Deco aesthetic. The buildings are adorned with sculptures, mosaics, and murals that reflect the cultural and social influences of the time. The centerpiece of the complex is the 70-story Rockefeller Plaza, which was the world's tallest building when it was completed in 1933. Today, Rockefeller Center is one of the world's most famous tourist destinations and a vibrant commercial hub. It is home to a variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues, as well as the famous ice rink and Christmas tree that are on display during the holiday season. The complex also includes the NBC Studios, where many popular television shows are filmed, and the Top of the Rock Observation Deck, which offers panoramic views of the city. Rockefeller Center is a true representation of the people, and it is an architectural and cultural treasure of New York City. It is a symbol of the city's resilience, determination, and innovation, and it continues to be a vital part of the city's economy and cultural fabric. |
<iframe id='palyer22' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6xRp8D9DdbI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer22'> The Liberty Bell, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an American bell of great historic significance. The Liberty Bell is perhaps one of the most prominent symbols associated with early American history and the battle for American independence and freedom. Its most famous ringing, on July 8, 1776, summoned citizens for the reading of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress. Previously, it had been rung to announce the opening of the First Continental Congress in 1774 and after the Battle of Lexington and Concord in 1775.
<iframe id='palyer23' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9vWCO0VWh9Q" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer23'> O Kart Indoor é uma modalidade de automobilismo, praticado em karts especiais, correndo em pistas cobertas. Sua popularização se deve ao baixo custo e elevada segurança.
É a realização para quem sonha ser piloto de corrida sem as responsabilidades de ter, manter e ajustar um kart. Você chega em um indoor, coloca os equipamentos de segurança, faz um rápido briefing, corre de 15 a 30 minutos, sente a verdadeira emoção de participar de uma corrida de verdade, paga e vai embora, se quiser, porque outra grande emoção que o indoor oferece é torcer pelos amigos, ali na beira da pista, ouvindo o ronco dos motores, os chiados dos pneus, sentindo o cheiro de combustível de carro de corrida e vibrando com as belas ultrapassagens típicas em indoor. O automobilismo de alto rendimento tem mostrado que o primeiro degrau para a carreira de piloto profissional, que culmina na Fórmula 1, tem sido na maioria das vezes iniciada no kart. A escola de pilotagem do Rioshopping Kart Indoor, dispõe de profissionais treinados e capacitados com aulas práticas e teóricas, atendendo às aspirações de cada aluno. Quem sabe não temos escondido dentro de nós um novo e promissor Ayrton Senna? |
<iframe id='palyer24' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=StrasburgRailRoadPA'></iframe id='palyer24'> Strolling through the historic East Strasburg Station and the neighboring town of Strasburg, exploring the engines and rail cars up-close and riding beautifully restored trains are so much fun that you'll almost forget that you're immersed in a richly educational experience — learning about steam railroading, agriculture, Amish culture and PA Dutch heritage.
The larger-than-life coal-burning steam train is just the beginning. Ride the Cagney Steam Train, a miniature version; operate a hand-powered Pump Car or watch the little ones "steer" the pint-sized Cranky Car. Browse the Thomas™ Toy Store. Discover an amazing railroad bookstore and railfan shop filled with apparel and merchandise Across the road is the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, where you can explore a world-class collection of more than 100 locomotives and rail cars on display, including the priceless Pennsylvania Railroad Historical Collection. And nearby is the National Toy Train Museum - another world-class collection. |
Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ Ministries and the marvelous story of what God is doing through this 19 story cross located on Interstate 40 at Groom, Texas. Construction of the cross frame was done in two shops in Pampa, Texas by more than 100 welders and erected in July of 1995. Truly, all things are possible for those who believe.
<iframe id='palyer26' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=adventureaquarium'></iframe id='palyer26'> Christmas Underwater sponsored by Shriners Hospitals for Children - Philadelphia is around the corner. Dive into the holidays and discover an incredible winter underwater wonderland from November 26 through December 24, 2021.
The fifth largest aquarium in the country, Adventure Aquarium is the only aquarium in the world to exhibit hippos and one of only two aquariums in the country to exhibit a Hammerhead Shark. Roll up your sleeves and prepare for a thrill at Adventure Aquarium on the Camden, NJ Waterfront, America’s Most Touchable Aquarium! Adventure Aquarium is a true waterfront treasure, featuring nearly 200,000 square feet of space, over 2 million gallons of water and 8,500 super cool animals! Adventure Aquarium offers numerous hands-on touch experiences including the all new Stingray Beach Club, where you can touch and hand-feed gentle and curious stingrays; Touch-A-Shark, presented by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ; Interactive Inlet where you can see what it feels like to touch jellies, horseshoe crabs, lobsters, grass shrimp and more; and Creature Feature, where you can reach in to touch colorful, coldwater creatures. |
<iframe id='palyer27' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/d5dFq1ZoemE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer27'> Missão - Promover a inclusão e a justiça social, utilizando a arte, a cultura afro-brasileira e a educação como ferramentas para a criação de pontes que unam as diferenças e sirvam como alicerces para a sustentabilidade e o exercício da cidadania.
Visão - O Grupo Cultural AfroReggae é uma organização que luta pela transformação social e, através da cultura e da arte, desperta potencialidades artísticas que elevam a auto-estima de jovens das camadas populares. |
<iframe id='palyer28' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=boomersfun'></iframe id='palyer28'> Amusement park with everything from go-carts & carousels to rock walls and rollercoasters. Boomers cafe, and facilities available for general public, group events, corp events and birthday parties.
Since the move to Grassmere in 1996, Nashville Zoo has created many new exhibits, hosted exciting community events and designed a variety of children's programs. Our Jungle Gym playground is the largest community-built playground in the United States and includes over 66,000 square feet for sliding, swinging, climbing, crawling and exploring. From African elephants to Bengal tigers and red pandas, Nashville Zoo provides a home to animals found all over the world. These beautiful creatures can be found in equally beautiful habitats like the new Giraffe Savannah, Alligator Cove, Red River Hog Habitat and many more. Other exciting additions include the Wild Animal Carousel and an interactive Lorikeet Landing exhibit where you can enter an aviary and be surrounded by more than 50 Australian parrots. The Grassmere Historic House and Farm still stand, providing a glimpse into farm life during the 1880s.
<iframe id='palyer30' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=LIAdventureland'></iframe id='palyer30'> Adventureland is Long Island's home of Family Fun since 1962 - this Family Fun Palace is where Little Kids' Fantasies become reality and Big Kids relive their Little Kid Dreams.
All of these Fantasies and Dreams will come to life while experiencing any of Adventureland's 30 rides and attractions. So come, explore and see why Adventureland is considered Long Island's Leader in Family Fun! |