North America
South America

World Attractions

    Yahoo Family Park, South America

  Rodovia ES 10 - Km 06 - Serra, ES            
O é o parque com a maior diversidade de entretenimento do Brasil. Nele você vai encontrar um parque aquático (42 atrações), um parque de diversões (10 atrações) uma Fazendinha (mais de 30 atrações), e mais área social com restaurante central para atender até 2.500 pessoas por dia, a lanchonete, a pastelaria com caldo de cana, a loja de artesanatos e de souvernirs e a loja de conveniências. Por ser um parque familiar os equipamentos do Yahoo foram idealizados e construídos para levar diversão e alegria para todos os membros de uma família numa área total de 180.000 metros quadrados.
    Praia de Itacoatiara, South America
   - Niterói, RJ            
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Possui 700m de extensão e significa em Tupi ''pedra escrita, riscada ou que tem inscrição''. Suas águas são transparentes e azuladas em meio a uma vegetação exuberante. É o paraíso dos surfistas; embora pequena, é uma das mais freqüentadas e preferidas pela juventude, e das que oferece maior riqueza de paisagem.
    Capilano Suspension Bridge, North America
   - Vancouver, BC             
Your pulse quickens as you step onto the swaying planks of Vancouver's first visitor attraction.
Breathe in the cedar-scented rainforest air as you make your way across Vancouver's famous landmark. Only minutes away from downtown Vancouver, Capilano Suspension Bridge takes you to the natural splendor of rainforest trails through magnificent evergreens and the unique perspective of Treetops Adventure, a walk high in the trees.
    Playcenter, South America
  R. José Gomes Falcão, 20 - Barra Funda - São Paulo, SP             
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Playcenter é um complexo de entretenimento composto principalmente por um parque de diversões, localizado na cidade de São Paulo (Brasil) inaugurado em 27 de julho de 1973. Recebe cerca de 1,5 milhão de visitantes anualmente. Foi o primeiro grande parque de São Paulo sendo fundado com base nos parques das grandes cidades dos Estados Unidos da América e da Europa.
O parque abre normalmente em seu calendário oficial todos os dias da semana exceto às segundas-feiras, quando o parque é fechado para manutenção e vistoria dos brinquedos.
Seu principal e mais recente concorrente é o Hopi Hari que teve seus recordes batidos com algumas atrações do Playcenter como Turbo Drop, Boomearang, Evolution, Waimea, entre outros. Fonte: pt.wikipedia.org
    ECHO Lake Aquarium, North America
  One College Street - Burlington, VT             
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ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center, at the Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, educates and delights visitors about the Ecology, Culture, History, and Opportunity for stewardship of the Lake Champlain Basin.
Enjoying a beautiful Lakefront location and privy to stunning views, ECHO is one of the most striking and unique locales in Vermont. Come enjoy the amazing exhibits showcasing the fantastic marine life and history of the Champlain Basin! ECHO offers all sorts of scientific wonders and insights for you to absorb. ECHO also provides extensive resources for community events.
    NBA Store, North America
  590 Fifth Avenue - New York, NY              
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Start 2025 in style with hot new end-of-year releases at the NBA Store.
GET IN THE GAME!!! The NBA Store in Manhattan is your one stop shop for everything related to the NBA and provides fans with one of the most fulfilling shopping and entertainment experiences available in New York City. Whether you are a Knick fan, a Laker fan or any fan, the NBA store has your team’s gear at great prices. The sprawling 35,000 square foot store doesn’t just do team licensed gear but also has all of the basketball shoes you need to lace up and head to the court. Of course, if you are in the Manhattan store you don’t have to go far as part of the experience involves trying out your gear on the indoor half-court officially endorsed by the NBA. The fun doesn’t stop there - the store also has a consistent array of multimedia presentations that take you away from a basic shopping experience and instead puts you in front of 50,000 screaming fans on the court of your dreams. For a shopping experience like no other and a chance to look exactly like your favorite basketball heroes, look no further than the NBA Store in Manhattan!
    Yaddo Mansion, North America
  Union Ave. - Saratoga Springs, NY           
Founded in 1900 by the financier Spencer Trask and his wife Katrina, herself a poet, Yaddo is an artists' community located on a 400-acre estate in Saratoga Springs, New York. Its mission is to nurture the creative process by providing an opportunity for artists to work without interruption in a supportive environment.
Yaddo offers residencies to professional creative artists from all nations and backgrounds working in one or more of the following media: choreography, film, literature, musical composition, painting, performance art, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and video. Artists may apply individually or as members of collaborative teams of two or three persons. They are selected by panels of other professional artists without regard to financial means. Residencies last from two weeks to two months and include room, board, and studio.
    New York Hall Of Science, North America
  47-01 111th Street - Queens, NY             
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The New York Hall of Science is a place for everyone to explore, question and learn. It is the number one New York's hands-on science and technology center. It occupies one of the few remaining structures of the 1964 New York World's Fair in Flushing Meadows Corona Park in the borough of Queens in New York City, easily accessible by public transportation or by car.
NYSCI promotes science and technology as important tools that help us understand ourselves and the world we live in. Join this unforgettable visit where learners of all inclination and ages can touch, manipulate and interact with more than 450 permanent exhibits, including the award-winning Science Playground, Preschool Place, Life Beyond Earth, Sports Challenge and the new Rocket Park Mini Golf. From mini-golf to microscopes, no matter how you like to learn, you will find opportunities at NYS. In addition to the permanent exhibits, NYSCI features a dynamic schedule of feature exhibitions, events, programs and workshops. NYSCI both creates exhibitions that travel, and hosts exhibitions from other institutions. NYSCI exhibitions have traveled nationally and internationally. NYSCI also offers many opportunities to bring fun-filled learning experiences into your classroom! NYSCI has events down to a science, offering space and services for Birthday Parties, School Events, Private Parties and more, transforming ordinary events into extraordinary experiences.
    Caminho Niemeyer, South America
   - São Domingos - Niterói, RJ            
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Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói tinha sido concluído ainda há poucos meses, quando o então prefeito da cidade, Jorge Roberto Silveira, convidou o arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer para uma nova empreitada. Pensando em revitalizar a zona central de Niterói, Jorge Roberto decidiu construir num terreno de 72.000 m² à beira mar, um complexo arquitetônico, voltado para a cultura e a religião da população. Certo de que seria um importante intervenção urbanística, o prefeito convidou Niemeyer para criar as edificações que, juntas com o MAC, formariam um caminho ao longo da orla, o Caminho Niemeyer. Source
    Washington National Cathedral, North America
  3109 Wisconsin Avenue, NW - Washington, DC            
"The idea for a national cathedral is as old as Washington itself. In 1791, when Congress selected the site to be the capital of the United States, President George Washington commissioned Major Pierre l’Enfant to design an overall plan for the future seat of government.
Since the first services were held in Bethlehem Chapel, Washington National Cathedral has opened its doors to people of all faiths as they have gathered to worship and pray, to mourn the passing of world leaders, and to confront the pressing moral and social issues of the day."
    Prospect Park Zoo, North America
  450 Flatbush Avenue - Brooklyn, NY            
<iframe id='palyer11' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UlWtxtrxPPw?controls=0" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer11'>
Let your wild side reign free as you explore the many faces of some very unique creatures at this Brooklyn museum of life. Venture deep into the jungle as you see the animals up close. Dare to spend the day with the valor of a lion roaming with his pride. A family spending time together, appreciating nature in all its ferocious glory is what this NYC museum is all about. Take the children to the discovery center where they can try their hand at some basic veterinary skills while conducting check-ups on real live animals. Then, head over to the young naturalist camping area, cook food on a "campfire", and explore using field guides for animals that one might see on a camping trip. Feeling the urge to feed some of the animals’ springtime is the perfect time to head over and feed the sea lions - they just love the attention too. Weekends are an ideal time to visit as you can chat live with the zookeepers and learn how they care for the animals. Maybe even find out what your favorite animal does when you're not there. Overall, this taste of the wild offers a wide variety of things to do, see and learn. Spring/Summer 2012 is a great time to come see this gem.
    Top Kart Indoor, South America
  Av. das Américas, 1510 Subsolo do Extra 24h - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Uma empresa com 13 anos de atividade no segmento de kart de lazer. Iniciou sua jornada em 1996 no Shopping Nova América até o ano de 2001. Atualmente, ajusta os motores para ocupar o Pátio Norte Shopping.
A partir do ano de 2005, com a inauguração da unidade Barra da Tijuca, colocou em prática uma estrutura inovadora, com bons equipamentos, instalações adequadas, salão climatizado, lanchonete, som ambiente e equipe qualificada.
Kart infantil para crianças com altura mínima de 1,20m e altura máxima de 1,45m. Os organizadores fornecem aos pilotos macacão, luvas, pescoceira, balaclava e capacete. O modelo do motor do kart é o Moro de última geração com Motor Honda de 2,5 HP. Dois karts correm por bateria na pista infantil com duração de 15 minutos (disponível apenas no Top Kart Norte Shopping).
Promoção Kart Cultural ‘incentivo à cultura’ aberta aos freqüentadores de cinema, teatro e museu (consulte regulamento no site)
    Mercado Modelo, South America
   - Salvador, BA            
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Salvador é uma das mais belas cidades do Brasil. Importante destino turístico, Salvador cativa o visitante não somente com suas belezas naturais e arquitectônicas, mas também por suas tradições artísticas e artesanais de estilo afrobrasileiro. O Mercado Modelo, que se encontra dentro de um prédio histórico, a antiga Casa da Alfândega erguida em 1861, é um lugar privilegiado para o turista desfrutar um cenário magnífico que estimula todos os sentidos e percepções, no meio das mais variadas obras artesanais, a pouca distância do profundo azul do mar da Bahia, perto das badaladas agitadas no centro da cidade.
    Cheyenne Mountain Zoological, North America
  4250 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Road - Colorado Springs, CO             
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No visit to Colorado's Pikes Peak region is complete without a trip to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo! Here, you'll experience an unforgettable adventure combining our breathtaking mountain scenery with more than 750 animals from around the world. All your favorites are here...from giraffes and elephants to lions and monkeys, hippos and bears. It's also a rare opportunity to see more than 30 endangered species including the Amur tiger, Mexican wolf, and Black-footed ferret!
    National Air and Space Museum, North America
  Independence Ave at 6th Street, SW - Washington, DC             
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The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum maintains the largest collection of historic air and spacecraft in the world. It is also a vital center for research into the history, science, and technology of aviation and space flight, as well as planetary science and terrestrial geology and geophysics.
The National Air and Space Museum on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. has hundreds of original, historic artifacts on display, including the Wright 1903 Flyer; the Spirit of St. Louis; the Apollo 11 command module Columbia; and a Lunar rock sample that visitors can touch.
    Liceu Literário Português, South America
  Rua Senador Dantas, 118 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Liceu Literário Português fundado em 10 de setembro de 1868, Instituição Filantrópica de Ensino Gratuito, adquiriu um terreno no Largo da Carioca onde em 1929 edificou sua sede - Rua Senador Dantas nº 118 – Centro, um arranha-céu em estilo gótico manuelino, decorado internamente com silhares de azulejos historiados e lindos vitrais, prédio projetado pelo arquiteto Raul Penna Firme. O Liceu Literário Português – honra e orgulho dos portugueses no Brasil – é um dos melhores estabelecimentos de ensino entre os congêneres neste país. Representa o esforço, a dedicação e o trabalho de abnegados portugueses beneméritos, em prol da instrução do povo. Ali, naquela casa, não há seleção para a matrícula; a quem bate às suas portas não se pergunta que idade tem, qual a cor, onde nasceu, nem se tem fortuna. Uma única coisa se indaga: que quer aprender
    Ripley's™ Aquarium, North America
  1110 Celebrity Circle - Myrtle Beach, SC            
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Located in Broadway-at-the-Beach, an entertainment and dining complex that features restaurants, rides, shops and the 85,000 square foot Ripley’s Aquarium.
    Pateo do Colégio, South America
   - Sé - Sao Paulo, SP            
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Em 1556, o Pe.Afonso Brás finalizou a construção em taipa da primeira Igreja dos jesuítas em São Paulo, anexa às dependências do Colégio.
Prejudicada por 13 anos de ausência forçada dos padres da Cia. de Jesus, que foram expulsos da vila, foi reconstruída e ampliada a partir de 1667, que teve como padroeiro o Senhor Bom Jesus.
    Princeton Library, North America
  65 Witherspoon St. - Princeton, NJ            
The Princeton Public Library, the community's living room, connects people with ideas, information, technology, resources and each other in ways that enrich their lives and help them to realize their dreams.
    Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, North America
  4850 West Powell Rd. - Powell, OH             
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Polar Frontier will transport you from central Ohio right into the heart of the Arctic. There you will watch polar bears swim overhead and Alaskan brown bears practice their swimming techniques. Arctic foxes will watch you from their homes as your kids explore a polar-themed play area. The Battelle Ice Bear Outpost offers interactive games and information, detailing the wonders of the icy Arctic world – and what we can do today, right here in central Ohio, to help save it.
    Flight 93 National Memorial, North America
   - Stoystown, PA             
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On September 11, 2001, shortly after terrorists flew airplanes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and into the Pentagon, the forty passengers and crewmembers on United Airlines Flight 93 fought a battle in the sky over Pennsylvania. These forty heroes won their battle against terrorists and thwarted a planned attack on our nation’s capital, saving countless numbers of lives, but sacrificing their own in a field just east of Pittsburgh, in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
Because of the quick and determined actions of the passengers and crew, Flight 93 was the only one of the four hijacked aircraft that failed to reach the terrorists' intended target on September 11, 2001. The passengers and crew showed unity, courage, and defiance in the face of adversity. The Flight 93 National Memorial will be a place dedicated to the memory of these great heroes; a place for future generations to learn about their actions; a place for healing and understanding.
    Morristown National Historical Park, North America
  30 Washington Place - Morristown, NJ            
Morristown National Historical Park is nationally significant as the site of the 1779-80 winter encampment of the Continental Army under General George Washington. Few places evoke the spirit of patriotism and independence, represent individual and collective sacrifice, or demonstrate the resolve, tenacity and determination of the people of the United States to be free as does Morristown. The historic landscapes, structures, objects, and archeological and natural resources at Morristown are tangible links to one of the most defining events in our nation's history. Here the Continental Army under Washington's leadership emerged as a cohesive and disciplined fighting force. The Morristown experience is fundamental to both American history, and remains a source of inspiration for Americans and the world.
    Disney's BoardWalk, North America
   - Lake Buena Vista, FL            
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Disney's BoardWalk contains more than 9,000 square feet of shops, restaurants and nightclubs. It encompasses Crescent Lake and is "a village on the water" near many Disney Resort hotels in Walt Disney World Resort. This quarter-mile entertainment, dining and shopping area is also conveniently close to 2 Disney Theme Parks.
    Yankee Stadium, North America
  1 E 161st Street - Bronx, NY             
<iframe id='palyer24' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FV7XnosmyaU" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer24'>
At the beginning of the 2009 Major League Baseball season the new Yankee Stadium opened its doors when the Yankees hosted a workout day in front of fans from the Bronx community. The first game at this brand new ballpark was a pre-season exhibition game against the Chicago Cubs, played on April 3, 2009, which the Yankees won 7-4. The new Yankee Stadium is located in the Bronx, across the street from the original Yankee Stadium. It is built on a 24 acre area and has a price tag of $1.5 billion, which makes it not only the most expensive baseball stadium ever built but also the third-most expensive stadium of any kind.
Have the time of your life when you participate on the Yankee Inside Experience program, where fans are treated to a game day like never before. Guests attending the program are provided with an opportunity to meet with a player on the Yankees current roster followed by a guided stadium tour and buffet lunch.
    Parque Lage, South America
  R. Jardim Botânico, 414 - Jardim Botanico - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Parque Lage constitui a última arbórea contínua, entre as faldas do Corcovado e a rua Jardim Botânico.
Projetado inicialmente pelo paisagista inglês John Tyndale em 1840 ao gosto dos jardins românticos, foi parcialmente reformulado, nas décadas de 1920-30 e 1930-40, principalmente o trecho à direita, quando seu proprietário, o industrial Henrique Lage, mandou edificar nova residência, em substituição à que fora de seu pai, Antônio Martins Lage.
    Whirlin' Waters, North America
  Hwy 78 University Boulevard - North Charleston, SC           
Otter Bay - A kiddie pool area with a 6 lane racer slide, sprays and a total of 10 different interactive features
Lily Pad Lagoon - A toddler play area with a shallow pool and 3 different spray geysers
The Big Kahuna - A wave pool offering 27,000 square feet and many different types of wave action
Riptide Run- A mat racer slide delivering 347 feet and 6 lanes of sliding
Tubular Twister- A multi-slide complex with three different selections of thrilling spills, each approximately 300' in length
Big Splash Tree House- A Tree House Play Structure with 66 interactive play elements including pinwheels, troughs, 4 body slides, jets, waterwheels, and a giant bucket which dumps 1,000 gallons of water from above
Rollin' River- A lazy river featuring 870 feet of relaxation A Corporate Picnic Area for group and company outings (group packages, prices and menus available).
    Cidade das Crianças Leonel Brizola, South America
  Rodovia Rio-Santos km.1 - Santa Cruz - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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A Cidade das Crianças Leonel Brizola é um dos maiores parques públicos de lazer da América Latina, ocupando uma área de 186 mil m2 (equivalente a 20 campos de futebol com as dimensões do Maracanã), em Santa Cruz, região oeste da cidade.
    Florestaventura, South America
  Largo da Barra Velha s/nº - Joá - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Florestaventura, primeira empresa de Arvorismo no Rio de Janeiro, montou em 2002 os seus primeiros circuitos no bairro do Joá, em plena cidade, de fácil acesso,porem no meio de uma mata tropical extraordinária, proporcionando assim um verdadeiro clima de aventura.
Ele proporciona de forma lúdica, esportiva e didática, uma aproximação com o meio florestal, um contato com as árvores e com o meio ambiente.
O percurso entre as árvores é constituido de 2 circuitos num total de 36 obstáculos, feitos de troncos, pontes, passarelas, cordas de Tarzan, tirolesas, redes, túnel, cabos de aço, etc.
O Florestaventura permite crianças à partir de 6-7 anos de idade, com média de altura de 1,30m, bem como adultos sem limite de idade, peso ou altura.
Localizado na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, Largo da Barra Velha (Barrinha), entre São Conrado e Largo da Barra, no encosto da Pedra da Gávea
    Nashville Shores, North America
  4001 Bell Road - Hermitage, TN            
Beautiful white sandy beaches along 14,000-acre J. Percy Priest Lake make for great fun or a kicked-back place to relax in the sun. Plus our activity-packed Big Splash pool area promises buckets of fun for young and old. The Wacky Pond Kiddie Pool will keep little ones entertained for hours. Our seven water slides offer thrills for every kid—especially the kid at heart—with nearly 700 feet of twisting, turning fun. Choose a pontoon boat or personal water craft and set a course for refreshing pleasure. Rent by the hour, half-day or day... or inquire about renting a slip for your boat at the Nashville Shores Yacht Club and Marina.
    Atlantis Marine World, North America
  431 E Main St - Riverhead, NY             
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Atlantis Marine World, Long Island's number full-scale aquarium, located on Main Street in Riverhead, Long Island. Atlantis Marine World, situated along the Peconic River, boasts many fascinating marine life exhibits, sea lion training sessions, educational programs and numerous opportunities for personal experiences.
Frolicking seals will greet visitors to Atlantis Marine World before they enter the mystical Lost City of Atlantis, where numerous discoveries await the eager explorer.
During your visit, jump aboard the Atlantis Explorer for an educational environmental tour boat adventure along the Peconic River, where you can experience the natural wonders of Long Island’s waters and getting wet is optional!
Atlantis Marine World has formed an educational alliance with Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program, and is the primary supporter and home of the Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation; New York State's only authorized stranding and rehabilitation facility.