North America
South America

World Attractions

    Disney Springs, North America

   - Lake Buena Vista, FL             
Downtown Disney area features more than 70 shopping, entertainment and dining choices. Nestled along the shores of Village Lake, Downtown Disney area is a short boat ride, bus ride or walk along a scenic lakeside path away from Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa in Walt Disney World Resort.
    John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza, North America
  646 Main Street - Dallas, TX            
John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza was dedicated on June 24, 1970.
    Zero Gravity, North America
  11131 Malibu Drive - Dallas, TX            
A one-of-a-kind Texas theme park founded in 1992 with a single goal: to be the most extreme amusement park in the world. Eighteen years later, that’s exactly what we are! Zero Gravity boasts five high-intensity thrill attractions, including such rarities as the Nothin’ but Net free-fall attraction. Our rides are popular amongst singles, couples and families, as well as corporate and leisure groups.
Zero Gravity is proud to boast a perfect safety record. We have gone to tremendous lengths to ensure the safety of our guests, and we enforce our safety restrictions vigorously
    Jamestown Audubon Nature Center, North America
  1600 Riverside Rd - Jamestown, NY           
The 600-acre wetland preserve maintained by the Jamestown Audubon Society supports a great variety of wildlife. Hikers who are patient and quiet are treated to many spectacular finds - no matter what the season.
    PETCO Park, North America
  100 Park Boulevard - San Diego, CA            
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Petco Park is an open-air ballpark in downtown San Diego, California, USA. It opened in 2004, replacing Qualcomm Stadium as the home park of Major League Baseball's San Diego Padres. Before then, the Padres shared Qualcomm Stadium with the NFL's San Diego Chargers. The stadium is named after the animal and pet supplies retailer Petco, which is based in San Diego and paid for the naming rights. Source
    GardenSK8 Indoor Skatepark, North America
  321 Changebridge Road - Pine Brook, NJ             
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The team proud to announce the opening of the New York metropolitan area’s most creative indoor skatepark facility. Hands down the most technical street course and gigantic bowl also know as “The Pirate Bowl”.
    Kona Skate Park, North America
  8739 Kona Avenue - Jacksonville, FL             
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The oldest operating skatepark in the country, celebrating over 30 years of the best outdoor skating in Jacksonville Florida. Kona is also a full service Skate Shop providing equipment, footwear, and clothing. Combining superior products with a highly knowledgable staff, the shop is able to provide customers with the information necessary to get the right product every time. Whether you're new to skateboarding or a seasoned pro, the Skate Shop at Kona has what you're looking for.
    Point Mallard Park, North America
  P.O. Box 488 - Decatur, AL           
Point Mallard Park offers the great outdoors like you've never experienced it before! Hidden among North Alabama‘s wooded pines, the 500-acre family park lets you stay in tune with nature 365 days a year. Come play 18 holes on one of the South‘s best golf courses, stay in our 25-acre, wooded campground, visit America's first wave pool at our Waterpark, and/or cool off in the indoor ice skating rink!
    Instituto Casa de Cultura Rio, South America
  Rua Visconde de Ouro Preto, 58 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
O Instituto Casa de Cultura Rio (ICCRIO) foi fundado em 1988, sendo a escola pioneira do Método Suzuki de ensino musical no Rio de Janeiro. Ao longo destes anos, Suray Soren, diretora artística do Instituto, vem ensinando violino a crianças e adolescentes por este revolucionário método japonês. O ICCRIO oferece cursos de violino, cello, piano, baby class, musicalização, prática de orquestra e também mantém o projeto social "Com a Corda Toda",que beneficia hoje crianças e adolescentes de várias comunidades situadas no Rio e Grande Rio.
    The Bronx County Historical Society, North America
  3309 Bainbridge Avenue - Bronx, NY             
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The Bronx is a microcosm of the story of America. The only one of New York City's five boroughs that is actually part of the mainland. The Bronx is home to 1.2 million people with a rich diversity of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Since colonial days, The Bronx has stood at the crossroads of American History.
The Bronx County Historical Society was founded in 1955 to preserve the heritage of this thriving community. The Society administers the colonial era Valentine-Varian House, which serves as the Museum of Bronx History; The Bronx County Archives; an extensive Research Library; and Poe Cottage, the final home of America's great 19th century poet and author, Edgar Allan Poe. Both historic houses are listed in the National Register of Historic Places
    Andretti Indoor Karting, North America
  11000 Alpharetta Highway - Roswell, GA           
In November of 2004, racing champions Mario, Michael and John Andretti purchased what had been known as the Andretti Speed Lab in Roswell, Georgia.
The famed family made over $1 million in renovations that extensively improved the entertainment facility, provides an enhanced experience for all visitors, and permeates the Andretti touch and feel.
Andretti Indoor Karting & Games opened to the public in March of 2005.
    Confeitaria Cavé, South America
  Rua 7 de Setembro, 137 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Confeitaria Cavé ou, simplesmente, Cavé, data de 1860. É a mais antiga confeitaria do Rio de Janeiro. Foi fundada por Charles Auguste Cavé, francês que ficou a frente do negócio até 1922. Entrar nela é voltar ao passado, reviver um pouco do Rio Antigo. A arquitetura marcante da Cavé possui influências de diversos países. Lustres, vitrais e vidros em geral eram franceses; as cadeiras e mesas foram projetadas por Cólon, um espanhol que residia no Brasil.
    Empire State Building, North America
  350 5th Avenue - New York, NY              
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The Empire State Building is a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper in New York City. Its name is derived from the nickname for the state of New York. It stood as the world's tallest building for more than forty years, from its completion in 1931 until the construction of the World Trade Center North Tower in 1972, and is now once again the tallest building in New York after the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

The Empire State Building has been named by the American Society of Civil Engineers as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. The building and its street floor interior are designated landmarks of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission, and confirmed by the New York City Board of Estimate. Source
    Mosteiro de São Bento, South America
  Rua Dom Gerardo, 68 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Fundado em 1590 por monges vindos da Bahia, o Mosteiro beneditino do Rio de Janeiro foi construído a pedido dos próprios habitantes da recém fundada cidade de São Sebastião. Em pleno Centro da grande metrópole, conserva-se aqui um lugar de silêncio, paz, oração e trabalho, que se traduz em diversas atividades mantidas regularmente. As duas principais são as celebrações diárias do Ofício Divino e da Missa, com canto gregoriano. Além disso, funcionam dentro da Abadia: o Colégio de São Bento, as Edições Lumen Christi, a Faculdade de São Bento, a Casa de retiros de Emaús e a Obra Social São Bento. O Mosteiro mantém também duas casas de retiro e encontros: a Casa de São Bento, no Alto da Boa Vista, e o Sitio Seio de Abrahão, em Teresópolis.
    Morristown National Historical Park, North America
  30 Washington Place - Morristown, NJ            
Morristown National Historical Park is nationally significant as the site of the 1779-80 winter encampment of the Continental Army under General George Washington. Few places evoke the spirit of patriotism and independence, represent individual and collective sacrifice, or demonstrate the resolve, tenacity and determination of the people of the United States to be free as does Morristown. The historic landscapes, structures, objects, and archeological and natural resources at Morristown are tangible links to one of the most defining events in our nation's history. Here the Continental Army under Washington's leadership emerged as a cohesive and disciplined fighting force. The Morristown experience is fundamental to both American history, and remains a source of inspiration for Americans and the world.
    Parque Fazenda Betinho Carrero, South America
  Av. Água Espraiada esquina com Marginal Pinheiros - Brooklin - São Paulo, SP            
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Beto Carrero, nasce um herói Não existe no Brasil um exemplo melhor para ilustrar a máxima “Não sabendo que era impossível, ele foi lá e fez” do que a história de João Batista Sérgio Murad, o nosso Beto Carrero.
Menino pobre, nascido no interior do estado de São Paulo, o menino João Batista sonhava em ser o Zorro brasileiro e trabalhar em um parque de diversões. Mal sabia ele que seus humildes sonhos se transformariam com os anos, e que ele construiria o maior parque multi-temático do mundo!
    RioShopping Kart Indoor, South America
  Estrada do Gabinal, 313 - Freguesia - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Kart Indoor é uma modalidade de automobilismo, praticado em karts especiais, correndo em pistas cobertas. Sua popularização se deve ao baixo custo e elevada segurança.
É a realização para quem sonha ser piloto de corrida sem as responsabilidades de ter, manter e ajustar um kart. Você chega em um indoor, coloca os equipamentos de segurança, faz um rápido briefing, corre de 15 a 30 minutos, sente a verdadeira emoção de participar de uma corrida de verdade, paga e vai embora, se quiser, porque outra grande emoção que o indoor oferece é torcer pelos amigos, ali na beira da pista, ouvindo o ronco dos motores, os chiados dos pneus, sentindo o cheiro de combustível de carro de corrida e vibrando com as belas ultrapassagens típicas em indoor.
O automobilismo de alto rendimento tem mostrado que o primeiro degrau para a carreira de piloto profissional, que culmina na Fórmula 1, tem sido na maioria das vezes iniciada no kart.
A escola de pilotagem do Rioshopping Kart Indoor, dispõe de profissionais treinados e capacitados com aulas práticas e teóricas, atendendo às aspirações de cada aluno. Quem sabe não temos escondido dentro de nós um novo e promissor Ayrton Senna?
    Zoo Atlanta, North America
  800 Cherokee Avenue, SE - Atlanta, GA             
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Striving to inspire the citizens of Atlanta and Georgia and all visitors to the Zoo to value wildlife on Earth and to help safeguard existing species through conservation.
    Praia de Camboinhas, South America
   - Niterói, RJ            
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Com 2.600m, é uma extensão da própria Praia de Itaipu. Suas águas são transparentes e esverdeadas, e sua areia clara e fina. Recanto pitoresco, é muito procurado pelos amantes da pesca de arremesso; pelos velejadores e wind-surfistas.
    Academia Brasileira de Ciências, South America
  Rua Anfilófio de Carvalho, 29 3º andar - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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A Academia Brasileira de Ciências foi fundada no dia 3 de maio de 1916, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com o nome Sociedade Brasileira de Sciencias, alterado em 1921 para sua atual denominação. Atualmente, a Academia reúne seus membros em dez áreas especializadas: Ciências Matemáticas, Ciências Físicas, Ciências Químicas, Ciências da Terra, Ciências Biológicas, Ciências Biomédicas, Ciências da Saúde, Ciências Agrárias, Ciências da Engenharia e Ciências Humanas. A Academia tem desempenhado papel relevante em várias atividades ligadas à ciência no Brasil, liderando e influenciando na criação de importantes instituições, viabilizando publicações científicas, desenvolvendo programas e eventos científicos, estabelecendo convênios internacionais, e disponibilizando recursos para a sociedade acadêmica.
    Hayden Planetarium, North America
  Central Park West at 79th Street - New York, NY             
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Hayden Planetarium captivates upon your initial approach. The visually stimulating Manhattan attraction, constructed from glass and steel, features a large spherical dome where the universe comes to life in front of your very eyes. The department of Astrophysics, located in the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History, conducts research focusing on the formation and evolution of stars, star clusters, the effects of their radiation, and much more. The planetarium offers ongoing monthly lectures. Children and adults alike will love the vast amount of knowledge and beauty while exploring the stars in this awesome environment. 3-D models and vivid colors are not in short abundance here. School field trips are welcome; planning in advance is required. A wealth of educational knowledge is available through the website for teachers, parents and children. With a special section of interactive activities for children, you can’t go wrong learning about all that this Manhattan planetarium has to offer. A virtual joy ride through the universe with stops along the way to learn about the wonders of the Galaxies, a few hours can easily be spent just walking around the floors. In addition to the star/sky show, the exhibits are a joy to behold. From real meteorites, to scales that bring home the effect of gravity on other planets, to historic photos, all will enjoy.
    United Nations, North America
  1st Avenue at 46th Street - New York, NY             
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The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. Due to its unique international character, and the powers vested in its founding Charter, the Organization can take action on a wide range of issues, and provide a forum for its 192 Member States to express their views, through the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and other bodies and committees.
    Austin Rock Gym, North America
  4401 Freidrich Lane, Suite 300 - Austin, TX           
ARG is Austin's ONLY dedicated rock climbing company and offers the most comprehensive climbing lessons and services available.
    Red Hook Boaters, North America
  239 Coffey St. - Brooklyn - New York, NY            
Red Hook Boaters is a community of boating enthusiasts located in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. The organization provides affordable access to the waterfront for local residents and visitors, offering a variety of boating programs, classes, and events. Members have access to the organization's fleet of sailboats, kayaks, and rowboats, as well as the use of the boathouse facilities, which include a classroom and meeting space. The organization's mission is to promote boating as a means of connecting with the waterfront and fostering a sense of community among its members. They also focus on educating and training members on safety and boating skills, as well as promoting environmental stewardship on the water.
Red Hook Boaters offers a variety of programs including youth sailing, adult sailing classes, and community sailing events. They also participate in local regattas and races, and host events such as on-water BBQs and full-moon paddles.
In addition to boating activities, Red Hook Boaters also advocates for public access to the waterfront and works with local organizations and government agencies to improve boating infrastructure and facilities in the area. Overall, it is a great place for boating enthusiasts to come together and enjoy their passion for boating in the heart of Brooklyn.
    Battery Park, North America
  Battery Park (South of Broadway) - New York, NY             
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Battery Park is a 25-acre public park located at the southern tip of Manhattan in New York City. The park is named after the artillery batteries that were positioned there in the late 17th and early 18th centuries to defend the city from naval attack. Today, the park is a popular destination for both tourists and locals, offering a variety of recreational and cultural activities. One of the main attractions of Battery Park is the stunning waterfront views of New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Visitors can take a ferry to these iconic landmarks from the park's ferry terminal. The park also features several monuments and memorials, including the Castle Clinton National Monument, a fort built in the early 1800s, and the American Merchant Mariners' Memorial, which honors the men and women who have served in the United States merchant marine.
Battery Park is also home to several green spaces, including the Battery Oval, a large lawn and garden area, and the Battery Bosque, a serene and peaceful area that is perfect for a stroll or a picnic. In addition, the park has several playgrounds, a carousel, and a large dog run for visitors to enjoy.
The park is also a popular spot for cultural events, such as outdoor concerts, film screenings, and festivals. The park also has a variety of food vendors and restaurants. Overall, Battery Park is a must-see destination for anyone visiting New York City, offering a wide range of activities and sights to see.
    Fortaleza de São João, South America
  Av. João Luís Alves s/nº - URCA - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Em 1º de março de 1565, Estácio de Sá fundou, na Urca, entre os Morros Cara de Cão e Pão de Açúcar, a Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Neste mesmo local foi erguida a Fortaleza de São João, constituída por três redutos (pequenos fortins também chamados de Baterias) e um grande Forte, o Forte São José, de 1578 – o terceiro forte mais antigo do país.
Depois de mais de cem anos, o Forte São José está sendo restaurado com apoio da lei Rouanet de Incentivo à Cultura. As duas primeiras fases da restauração foram patrocinadas pelo BNDES. Agora em sua terceira fase, o objetivo é fazer o restauro dos canhões do séc. XIX, e implantar projeto de iluminação para que o local possa ser visitado também à noite. A arquitetural original está sendo respeitada para que o carioca possa voltar no tempo.
A restauração do Forte São José será o ponto culminante de um grande complexo turístico-cultural dentro da Fortaleza de São João, que já está recebendo a visitação de escolas interessadas em mostrar aos seus alunos o palco de tantos momentos históricos importantes.
    Pólo Cultural Novo Rio Antigo, South America
  Rua do Lavradio - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Pólo Cultural Novo Rio Antigo é uma das áreas mais dinâmicas da cidade, com música e arte por todo lado, atraindo residentes e turistas do mundo inteiro. Em uma área que, alguns anos atrás, poderia ser chamada de decadente, ocorreu o maior fenômeno de renovação urbana do Rio de Janeiro. Jovens empresários da área de cultura e gastronomia mobilizaram-se, e encontraram apoio nos moradores e na administração pública.
Uma vez por mês, uma feira de antiguidades divide as calçadas com músicos e artistas performáticos.
Em nenhum outro lugar o Rio é tão carioca e democrático. Ao lado de monumentos históricos, como o antigo aqueduto do século 18, e dos velhos sobrados da antiga capital, encontre as casas noturnas mais procuradas da cidade: a programação varia do samba de raiz à música instrumental, passando pelo mais autêntico chorinho. À mesa, conheça o que existe de melhor em termos de gastronomia de botequim.
    Grauman's Chinese Theatre, North America
  6931 Hollywood Boulevard - Los Angeles, CA           
The grand opening of Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood on May 18, 1927, was the most spectacular theatre opening in motion picture history. Thousands of people lined Hollywood Boulevard and a riot broke out as fans tried to catch a glimpse of the movie stars and other celebrities as they arrived for the opening.
    Trinity Church, North America
  74 Trinity Place - New York, NY             
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Founded in 1697, Trinity Church is a vibrant Episcopal parish, where daily worship services form the heart of our Christian identity. Trinity is a grant-making organization, streaming funds throughout the city and the world, as well as a resource for Lower Manhattan's commuters and tourists, who find inspirational music within its walls. Through its congregational staff and maintenance teams, it is a sacred oasis amid the busy downtown streets. It is an important player in the world of New York City commercial realty, and home to an award-winning preschool. It is the home to the committees, guilds, and task-forces of a congregation committed to bringing God's Kingdom to this world.
    Calgary Zoo, North America
  1300 Zoo Road N.E. - Calgary - Alberta, CA            
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The Calgary Zoo is always interested in working with members of the media to develop stories on the many unique aspects of our organization. From Kamala, our elephant artist, to the successful breeding of Canada 's most endangered animal, the Vancouver Island marmot, the Calgary Zoo has many wonderful stories to tell about the work we are doing to help preserve our natural world.