North America
South America

World Attractions

    Fundação Zoo-Botânica, South America

  Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 800 - Pampulha - Belo Horizonte, MG           
Conhecido mundialmente como a terra dos papagaios e das araras, o Brasil é um país exuberante no que se refere à variedade de aves, sendo que muitas delas correm sério risco de extinção. Na Fundação Zoo-Botânica de Belo Horizonte várias destas espécies se reproduzem em cativeiro, como é o caso da ararajuba (Guaruba guarouba), ave endêmica que ocorre somente na divisa do Pará com o Maranhão.
    United States Military Academy, North America
  Bldg 600 Taylor Hall - West Point, NY             
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The Academy provides a superb four-year education, which focuses on the leader development of cadets in the academic, military, and physical domains, all underwritten by adherence to a code of honor. The United States Military Academy's mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.
    Parque Penhasco Dois Irmãos, South America
  Parque do Penhasco Dois Irmãos - Alto Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Um dos mais bonitos cartões-postais do Rio de Janeiro, os morros dos Dois Irmãos, na Zona Sul, não devem ser admirados apenas de longe. Em seus arredores, onde já existe o mirante Sétimo Céu, se descortina um belo visual das praias de Ipanema, Leblon e São Conrado e também do Arpoador e do Cristo Redentor.
No local foi inaugurado um parque, ainda pouco explorado por cariocas e visitantes, o Parque do Penhasco Dois Irmãos, no Alto Leblon, perfeito para curtir o pôr-do-sol. Para os apreciadores de esportes radicais o local oferece ainda trilhas de terra, um pequeno teatro de arena, quadra de futebol e playground.
Uma das mais bonitas paisagens para apreciar um dos mais belos espetáculos da natureza.
No site, clique em “atrações turísticas” e siga em frente.
    Top Kart Indoor Extra Barra, South America
  Avenida das Americas 1510 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Uma organização de esporte e lazer onde se pode desfrutar de inúmeras atividades ligadas ao kart. Os organizadores oferecem desde escola de pilotagem para crianças obedecidadas, naturalmente, regras de segurança que o esporte requer, até preparação de jovens e adultos para competições regionais.
Atualmente o Top Kart conta com 2 unidades no Rio de Janeiro, localizadas na Barra da Tijuca e no Shopping Nova América, onde além das corridas de kart, Top Kart tambem oferece salão de jogos, simuladores de corrida e salão para realização de festas eventos ou reuniões. Infraestrutura completa do local incluindo festas, churrascos, confraternizações e outros eventos.
    FAO Schwarz, North America
  767 Fifth Avenue - (Fifth Avenue at 58th Street) - New York, NY              
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In the heart of Manhattan, right next to the Central Park, stands the most exciting toy store in the world. FAO Schwarz, now celebrating its 150 anniversary, is a magical toy emporium that features extraordinary, one-of-a-kind toys from all over the world. It is the oldest store in the United States, drawing thousands of visitors each year, who are seeking unique, high-quality merchandise and timeless treasures. FAO Schwarz has been synonymous with quality and innovation, offering an unparalleled selection of extraordinary toys that enchanted generations of children.
Take one of the two guided store tours led by an official FAO Schwarz Toy Soldier. Whether you chose the 45-minute Private Breakfast, schedule one hour prior to store opening at 9:00 AM, where you share memorable moments in the store’s history and have opportunities to test some great toys, finishing with a continental breakfast at the Big Piano, or take the Class Trip/Group Tours, offered during store hours, where they provide an overview of the brand’s heritage, hands-on play and exclusive time at the Big Piano. A visit to FAO Schwarz is always a thrilling experience unlike any other.
    Parque das Ruínas, South America
  Rua Murtinho Nobre, 169 - Santa Tereza - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Um belíssimo mirante que deixa o Rio de Janeiro aos seus pés. De lá, tem-se uma visão extraordinária do centro da cidade e de toda a orla do Rio – desde o Aeroporto Santos Dumont até a Urca. Logo abaixo estão os Arcos da Lapa. Aberto ao público, o Parque foi o que restou do Palacete Murtinho Nobre, onde morou Laurinda Santos Lobo. A casa foi um dos pontos mais efervescentes da vida cultural carioca durante muitos anos, até a morte da anfitriã, em 1946. A Prefeitura fez renascer das ruínas a cultura que ali existiu. O parque abriga uma sala de exposições, auditório e cafeteria, garantindo conforto a shows musicais, happy hours e leitura de textos literários. Nas áreas ao ar livre se destacam concorridos shows e uma programação especial para as crianças nos finais de semana. Com três andares, a casa chama atenção também por sua arquitetura e estilo - tijolos aparentes combinados harmoniosamente com estruturas metálicas e de vidro.
    Hollywood Walk of Fame, North America
  7018 Hollywood Blvd - Hollywood, CA             
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The Hollywood Walk of Fame is simply one of a kind. Here streets glitter with the sparkle of fame. And there are, of course, the famed stars. Names of actors, actresses, musicians, and iconic figures that are world renown. John Wayne, Johnny Carson, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Walt Disney... People from around the world visit simply to see their favorite "star" in person, and people can be seen for miles (the walk is actually in an entire neighborhood that lasts for a couple miles) posing for pictures with their stars. This in fact, is one of the most iconic of American images. And while walking the Walk of Fame, take pictures of the famed Hollywood sign up above. Visit Ripley’s Museum, or just walk around and enjoy the one of a kind Hollywood ambiance. You will be sure to remember your experience, and likely -- you will return!
    Parque Aquático Maria Lenk, South America
  Cidade dos Esportes - Jacarepaguá - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
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O Parque Aquático MariaLenk está localizado na Cidade dos Esportes, no Autódromo de Jacarepaguá, no mesmo complexo esportivo da Arena e do Velódromo.
O Parque com 42 mil m2 é composto por uma piscina olímpica, uma piscina de aquecimento e um tanque para saltos ornamentais, construídos de acordo com as normas da Federação Internacional de Natação.
As piscinas são específicas para as provas de natação, nado sincronizado, saltos ornamentais e pólo aquático.
A piscina para competições de natação e nado sincronizado tem 50m de comprimento, medidos internamente para permitir a cronometragem eletrônica e borda quebra ondas.
Maria Lenk, pioneira da natação feminina no Brasil e primeira mulher sul-americana a se apresentar em competições no exterior, foi recordista mundial nos 200 e 400 metros do nado borboleta
    Palácio Tiradentes, South America
  Rua Primeiro de Março s/nº - Praça XV - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Com a mudança da Capital Federal para Brasília, em 1960 a cidade do Rio de Janeiro passou à qualidade de Estado da Guanabara e o Palácio Tiradentes passou a ser a sede da Assembléia Legislativa do Estado da Guanabara. Anteriormente entre 1926 a 1960, serviu à Câmara Federal. A Guanabara existiria entre 1960 e 1975, quando se fundiu ao Estado do Rio de Janeiro e o Palácio Tiradentes passou a abrigar a Assembléia Legislativa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O painel decorativo do plenário do Palácio Tiradentes foi executado por Eliseu Visconti em 1926 e representa a assinatura da primeira Constituição Republicana de 1891. No grande painel, restaurado em 2001, figuram em tamanho natural os retratos dos sessenta e três constituintes
    Yankee Stadium, North America
  1 E 161st Street - Bronx, NY             
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At the beginning of the 2009 Major League Baseball season the new Yankee Stadium opened its doors when the Yankees hosted a workout day in front of fans from the Bronx community. The first game at this brand new ballpark was a pre-season exhibition game against the Chicago Cubs, played on April 3, 2009, which the Yankees won 7-4. The new Yankee Stadium is located in the Bronx, across the street from the original Yankee Stadium. It is built on a 24 acre area and has a price tag of $1.5 billion, which makes it not only the most expensive baseball stadium ever built but also the third-most expensive stadium of any kind.
Have the time of your life when you participate on the Yankee Inside Experience program, where fans are treated to a game day like never before. Guests attending the program are provided with an opportunity to meet with a player on the Yankees current roster followed by a guided stadium tour and buffet lunch.
    Fiocruz Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, South America
  Av. Brasil, 4365 - Manguinhos - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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A Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) é a mais destacada instituição de ciência e tecnologia em saúde da América Latina, destinada a promover a saúde e o desenvolvimento social, gerar e difundir conhecimento científico e tecnológico. Tem como missão produzir, disseminar e compartilhar conhecimentos e tecnologias voltados para o fortalecimento e a consolidação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e para a promoção da saúde e da qualidade de vida da população brasileira. Fundada há 115 anos e hoje vinculada ao Ministério da Saúde, a Fiocruz está localizada em um campus de 800.000 m2 no bairro de Manguinhos, Zona Norte do Rio de Janeiro.
    Radical Parque Búzios, South America
   - Centro - Búzios, RJ           
Kart, paintball, kids off road.
    Dylan’s Candy Bar, North America
  1011 Third Avenue - New York, NY             
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Candy, chocolate and all things sweet are our passions, but more than anything we love sharing them with all candy fans…that means you! Dylan’s Candy Bar carries over 5,000 kinds of candy, so you’re sure to find your favorite. We carry over 300 types of bulk candy, ranging from standard gummy worms, gummy bears, peach rings and cola bottles, to wacky gummy teeth, killer gummy sharks and gummy brains. You can also find novelty and nostalgic candy, including Wax Lips, Pixy Stix and Pez.
    Caminho Niemeyer, South America
   - São Domingos - Niterói, RJ            
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Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói tinha sido concluído ainda há poucos meses, quando o então prefeito da cidade, Jorge Roberto Silveira, convidou o arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer para uma nova empreitada. Pensando em revitalizar a zona central de Niterói, Jorge Roberto decidiu construir num terreno de 72.000 m² à beira mar, um complexo arquitetônico, voltado para a cultura e a religião da população. Certo de que seria um importante intervenção urbanística, o prefeito convidou Niemeyer para criar as edificações que, juntas com o MAC, formariam um caminho ao longo da orla, o Caminho Niemeyer. Source
    Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo, North America
  13019 Catoctin Furnace Rd. - Thurmont, MD             
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Wonderful adventures and exciting new animal friends await you in this 35 acre park. Up-close exhibits and personal information make you feel like one of the family. Get stalked by a tiger, jaguar or cougar and live to tell the tale. Feel the breath of a bear, follow a fallow deer, or tickle a tortoise. Hand-feed goats, sheep, donkeys, ducks and other curious creatures in the petting area. Then catch a show to laugh with a parrot, take a 'snap' shot with an alligator, or feel the grip of a python's muscles. Safely meet and touch a luxurious chinchilla, prickly hedgehog or rough lizard.
    Fazendinha Estação Natureza, South America
  Estrada dos Bandeirantes, 26645 - Vargem Grande - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Nasceu de uma idéia no ano de 1994, de duas irmãs que tinham como objetivo principal proporcionar à criança urbana um contato com a vida rural, resgatando, de uma maneira lúdica, a infância perdida de quem vive nos grandes centros. Animais de porte pequeno e médio, bem próximos de se habitat natural, fazem a alegria da criançada. A Fazendinha recebe até visita de índios de verdade. Jogos e pinturas são ingredientes importantes do passeio. Programa imperdível.
    Natural Stone Bridge & Caves, North America
  535 Stone Bridge Road - Pottersville, NY            
The massive stone bridge arch - the largest marble cave entrance in the east - dominates this spectacular display of ancient Adirondack geology from rock over one billion years old. Take a walking stick, map, and camera and set out on a self-guided, above-ground, natural stone step nature trail and experience up-close the many unique rock features, such as potholes, grottos, a gorge and mill site waterfalls. Descend into lighted surface caves with raging waterfalls or tranquil dark pools. To learn more, see the Adirondack memories display or view a free PBS video describing the history and geology of the caves.
    Los Angeles Zoo, North America
  5333 Zoo Drive - Los Angeles, CA             
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What can be more relaxing than a family day at the zoo? The Los Angeles Zoo is home to various animals --including exotic animals, and is very affordable. It is located in the plush hills of Griffith Park, which in and of itself, provides picturesque walks that overlook the enire city. The zoo also includes a gorgeous btanical garden that flaunts some of the worlds most magnificent flora. See pink flamingoes and exotic birds, amphibians, reptiles, tigers, and elephants of Asia! Undoubtedly, a visit to the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens will be a daytime adventure that the entire family enjoys, and will never forget.
    Lincoln Memorial, North America
  900 Ohio Drive SW - Washington, DC            
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Built to honor the nation’s 16th President, the memorial blends the work of architect Henry Bacon, sculptor Daniel Chester French, artist Jules Guerin, and a host of others. The materials used in this memorial demonstrate a concerted effort to assemble stones from several regions of the Union into a great classical tribute to Lincoln. The proportions of the architectural elements are meant to impress, inspire, and ensure that the simple Lincoln is elevated elegantly to a level commensurate with his historical role and achievements.
“In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever.” Beneath these words, the 16th President of the United States—the Great Emancipator and preserver of the nation during the Civil War—sits immortalized in marble. As an enduring symbol of Freedom, the Lincoln Memorial attracts anyone who seeks inspiration and hope.
    Shields Skatepark and Shop, North America
  17 Minneakoning Road - Flemington, NJ           
A NEW, totally custom indoor skating facility located in a roomy warehouse at 17 Minneakoning Road in Flemington, NJ , near the Flemington Circle. Shields Skatepark has over 18,600 square feet of quarterpipes, ledges, rails, gaps, custom ramps, wedges, boxes, banks, spines, roll-ins, a vert wall and featuring a 46-foot-long, eight-foot-high halfpipe.
Attracting skaters and riders from all over the NY, NJ, and Philadelphia area. Come play with the best pros and amateurs in the NorthEast! There's also sponsored contests for riders, skaters, skooters and bikers at all levels. And live band shows. Always something happening just around the corner at Shields!
    Historic Richmond Town, North America
  441 Clarke Avenue - Staten Island, NY             
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Historic Richmond Town is a living history museum located in Staten Island, New York. It is a complex of buildings and structures that have been carefully preserved to give visitors a glimpse into the past and a better understanding of the history and culture of Staten Island and New York City. The museum features over 30 historical structures, including a colonial-era courthouse, a one-room schoolhouse, and a variety of homes and businesses that were once located throughout Staten Island. Visitors can experience what life was like in the past through interactive exhibits, tours, and living history demonstrations. The museum is also home to the Staten Island Historical Society, which is dedicated to preserving and sharing the history of Staten Island and its residents. The society's collections include artifacts, documents, and photographs that provide a glimpse into the lives of the people who lived on Staten Island throughout history.
The museum is open to visitors throughout the year and offers a variety of programs, events, and activities for visitors of all ages. Visitors can take a tour of the museum's buildings and structures, participate in hands-on activities, attend lectures and workshops, and explore the museum's gardens and grounds. The Decker Farm is also part of the museum's property, where visitors can enjoy the bountiful harvests of produce from its well-maintained and beautiful organic fields, and learn about the farming practices used in the past.
In Historic Richmond Town, visitors can live vicariously through history and really gain a feel for the true American experience. It's a great place to bring friends and family to create memories that will last a lifetime. With its rich history, beautiful architecture, and engaging programs, it's easy to see why visitors keep coming back to this unique and historic museum.
    Fort Tryon Park, North America
  Fort George Station - New York, NY           
Built by Frederick Law Olmsted Jr., son of the architect of Central Park, in 1935, and gifted to the city of New York by John D. Rockefeller in 1917, Fort Tryon Park remains one of the city’s most beautiful outdoor pieces of art and one of the best presents ever received.
Centuries after its creation, parkgoers can picnic, run, play, and enjoy the historic architecture that has survived and thrived within the park. Beyond its dedication to natural beauty, as evidenced by its gardens and grounds, Fort Tryon Park is unique in its dedication to manmade art. Perched high above its northern grounds are the Cloisters, a branch of the Metropolitan Museum that houses nearly 5,000 medieval works in a reconstructed medieval monastery. After soaking up ancient artwork, visitors can venture next door to the New Leaf Restaurant & Bar, an upscale restaurant perfect for romantic dinners and friendly brunches.
    Saint Patrick's Cathedral, North America
  5th Avenue between 50th and 51st Street - New York, NY             
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The cathedral was finally completed in 1879, and the doors were opened to the public in May of that year. However, the cathedral's construction was not yet finished, and in 1888, Archbishop Michael Corrigan added the towers on the West Front of the cathedral. In 1901, Corrigan began work on the east addition, which included the construction of the Lady Chapel.
Today, St. Patrick's Cathedral is a popular tourist destination and a significant religious and cultural site in New York City. It is a National Historic Landmark and is known for its grand architecture, stunning stained-glass windows, and beautiful mosaics. The cathedral remains an important symbol of the Catholic faith and the history of the city of New York.
    Bahama Beach Waterpark, North America
  1895 Campfire Circle - Dallas, TX            
From Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day, Bahama Beach offers the best family waterpark value in the metroplex. Conveniently located only ten minutes south of downtown Dallas, you can get away from it all without ever leaving town. We have everything from 45 foot tall slides for the big kids and adults who are young at heart, to an interactive water playground with a 1000 gallon dumping bucket for the little ones. And for those who want to kick back and relax, grab a tube, wade into one of two zero depth entry beaches, and take a float down the lazy river. Plenty of shade, reservable private cabanas, and a concession stand to satisfy all of your summertime cravings tops it all off. So bring the whole family and make a day of it at Bahama Beach Waterpark!
    Fortaleza de Santa Cruz da Barra, South America
  Estrada de Jurujuba, s/n - Jurujuba - Niterói, RJ            
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A Fortaleza de Santa Cruz da Barra localiza-se no lado esquerdo da barra da baía de Guanabara, no bairro de Jurujuba, município de Niterói, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil.
Cruzando fogos com a Fortaleza de São João, constituiu a principal estrutura defensiva da barra da baía de Guanabara e da cidade e porto do Rio de Janeiro durante o período da Colônia e do Império. Encontra-se guarnecida até aos dias de hoje, atraindo uma média de dois mil visitantes por mês, em visitas guiadas, de hora em hora, com a duração de cerca de 45 minutos. Source
    Kiddieland, North America
  8400 W. North Avenue - Melrose Park, IL            
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KIDDIELAND has over 30 rides and attractions. Founded in 1929, it is Chicagoland's oldest amusement park and has the reputation of being one of the finest traditional parks in the country. You can visit our History Page to see a brief outline of how we came to be and our Memories Page to see what some guests have sent us about their visits. It is with great pride that at the end of its seventy-sixth season in 2005, KIDDIELAND continues to provide memorable family fun to children of all ages, in a clean, safe, happy environment.
    Indiana Beach, North America
  5224 East Indiana Beach Road - Monticello, MI             
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Fun, flips, and gravity defying excitement are just the beginning of what’s in store for guests when they visit Indiana Beach Amusement Resort in 2008. Indiana’s largest and most popular amusement resort and vacation playground announced the first major steel coaster to be constructed in the state: Steel Hawg. The new family coaster will be Indiana Beach’s sixth roller coaster and its first to take riders upside-down.
    Praia das Flexas, South America
   - Ingá - Niterói, RJ           
Há duas hipóteses para a sua denominação: a primeira relacionada as flechas utilizadas pelos índios, e a outra, mais provável supõe que derivou da planta abundante nos brejos locais, da qual se originam a flecha e a paina da flecha.
    Palácio Pedro Ernesto, South America
  Praça Marechal Floriano s/nº - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Como o Rio foi por muito tempo capital do Brasil, a história da Câmara Municipal se confunde um pouco com a história do País. O Palácio Pedro Ernesto possui obras que retratam importantes momentos e belos detalhes arquitetônicos. Ao entrar no Palácio, construído no início do século XX por A. Jannuzzi, é forte a impressão. Beleza e tradição caminham juntas pelo piso em xadrez de mármores de Carrara e verde grego. A escadaria em frente ao portão principal tem, em seu patamar, o busto do prefeito Pedro Ernesto, obra de Pinto do Couto. Mais dezoito degraus levam ao segundo pavimento, nos quais o pintor Carlos Oswald deixou sua marca. Produziu painéis, em forma de leque, representando cenas de época: A audição de cravo, O minueto, A cadeirinha e A cabra cega. Ainda na Presidência, pode ser encontrada uma loba romana, que amamenta os irmãos Rômulo e Remo, peça de bronze de Barye, grande mestre animalista francês. As pinturas no teto são de autoria dos irmãos Carlos e Rodolfo Chambelland, em estilo impressionista.
    Parque dos Patins, South America
  Av. Borges de Medeiros s/nº - Lagoa - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Na área compreendida entre o Clube Piraquê e o heliporto, o Parque do Patins pode ser uma boa opção de lazer com diversas atividades que vão desde patinação a shows simultâneos nos quiosques em seu entorno. Ali, pode-se também saborear as mais diversas especialidades da cozinha internacional.